February 08, 2012

Aches, Pains and Worries

I joined a woman's breast cancer support group and every Monday myself and six other women get together to discuss our lives and how cancer has affected it.  I absolutely love this group and feel that it has helped me so far tremendously. 

The one thing that we discussed is the fear of recurrence.  Every ache, pain and stiffness in your body leads to your mind playing tricks on you and you cant escape the thought "oh no, what if its cancer?"

Its really a mental disorder that goes something like this...

Headache = brain cancer
bones hurting = bone cancer
nausea = stomach cancer
walking through a cloud of smoke = lung cancer.


And there seems to be no where to run to escape these words, feelings and fears....I guess that all comes with time.

Currently and personally I am having the BIGGEST problem with my backside.  It feels as if my muscles from my lower back to under my butt are so stiff I have trouble walking.  Its like there is something constantly pushing on my bones and the feeling is killing me. 

I visited the chiropractor today but it didn't seem to help much other  than the fact that she did remind me it will take a good year for my body to be "normal" again and that there are post-chemo symptoms.

February 07, 2012

February 7, 2012 - A celebration

Today as Porshia and I were driving I realized that today - February 7th has special meaning.

As I was driving I realized this morning I SHOULD have been on my way to chemo - BUT I WASNT!!!!!

As my husband said on January 17th "while today is your last chemo and that is exciting the celebration actually will not be until 21 days after when you finally don't have to go anymore" - and that day has come!

Shoppers Drug Mart Weekend to End Women's Cancer


I have successfully registered for my first Breast Cancer Fundraiser since becoming a survivor!  I said at the beginning of this journey that I promised to go on and do great things and make a difference and here I am at the beginning of THAT journey!  I am so excited words cannot even explain it!

Shoppers Drug Mart® Weekend to End Women's Cancers? is a two-day, 60-kilometre or one-day 32-kilometre walk through the neighbourhoods of Calgary. It will be a challenge and I am ready to take on this endeavour to find a cure to breast and gynecologic cancers!

My commitment is based on love and my realization that we each need to do our part in this fight. I can walk. I can raise funds to benefit the Alberta Cancer Foundation, a leader in the fight against all women's cancers. I can and choose to be a part of this movement to save lives.

I ask you to join my Circle For Hope. Be a part of my very personal journey - by giving, by walking with me, or simply by sharing my story with your circle of influence.

This is my journey.
This is my Weekend Circle For Hope.

Please visit my website to make a donation or join my team.
