So being admitted to unit 46 with
Neutrophils of zero I was quite the circus freak! Many nurses had never seen this before and were amazed by it. I was however informed by my wonderful oncologist Dr. Lupichuck that a neutrophil count of zero is probably fairly common however they dont always see it because people dont always come into the hospital presenting symptoms. Therefore, I am not a freak...well...ummmmm

In this journey I have to constantly give praise to my amazing friends! Ashley, Heather, Porchia and Jennifer are constantly there for me every single day and step along the way! They each visited me in the hospital and the day before my release the four of them gathered at my house for a wine and housecleaning party to sterilize my living space of germs. I cannot ever thank these girls enough.

Heather and her mommy Sebina visited me in the hospital and treated me to a little session of
Reiki to help me clear my mind and release the toxins from my body. Along with Reiki they also treated me to a ginger cookie stuffed with cream cheese that was probably the size of my head...according to my sister Holly I have a humongous YES this was a HUGE cookie! Pictured here is only half of it! It took me three days to eat and brought me great joy every time I had a bite!

I was hooked up to an IV for these five days and got regular administration of antibiotics, not because I had a bug, but just in case I did, with my neutrophils being zero they were being proactive. I spend alot of time with my IV pole so it was only fitting to name him. As he only took me out occasionally and he was tall and dark but not quite handsome I decided Hank was a rather fitting name for him, I would constantly tell the nurses how disappointed I am in Hank and that I was not ready to have another date with him yet.
They gave me a daily shot to bring my neutrophils up and at the end of my stay on Sunday my neutrophils were now at 14.9 (normal is 2 - 9). A little bit of an overdose??? I think so! Needless to say I left there feeling like SUPERWOMAN minus the headache! I felt like I could go and lick anything and not catch a single bug! lol.
Ashley came and got me from the hospital on Sunday and we waited a while for the resident to write up my go home slips and prescriptions, we decided to take advantage of this time and see if Ashley could fold herself up in my didn't work! At this time we also pondered where would be the best location for my "DON'T TOUCH THE LEFT ARM" sign that the nurses kindly made up for me...after giving it much thought, our conclusion....How could they miss it if it is on my GIGANTIC head!
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