Well folks. Here I am on Day six of my first cycle. For those of you that don't know the terminology, it is important for someone on Chemo to count their days and the symptoms they have on those days as they will most likely be the same on every cycle. Yesterday (Day 5) was the worst of them yet. However, I keep reminding myself, I am young, strong and able and this could be a lot worse! I was slightly nauseated (I say slightly because I don't want to over exaggerate and have it become worse...positive thinking = positive healing). I layed on the couch most of the day and well...lets just say I haven't puked and peed at the same time since...well...ok...since the last time I drank way too much! lol, just joking, I don't remember being that sick since I was a kid, projectile vomiting is not something most adult experience regularly...I hope! Thank god for my honey, that's all I can say! He went out to get a hair cut and had a craving for Tostitos. WOW, did they ever settle my stomach and taste like heaven! I am so thankful for him right now! Crackers just weren't cutting it!
Chemo bring along the wildest cravings! You could swear you were pregnant, fingers crossed I am not! lol. A friend of mine Connie told me she always had a hankering for chicken wings and dry ribs and surely enough, I was craving the same on Day 3.
Keep posted for more crazy cravings!
Signing off,
Beige allmighty
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