November 12, 2011

Giving thanks where thanks is due!

Kait Dinunzio pulled together many of her contacts and got Ming donated to facilitate From Beige to Pink  on Thursday, Thank you for your ongoing support and efforts in this cause Kait. We had a silent auction and a speech given by my best friend Ashley Spink.

There was approximatly $3,700.00 raised this night to help go towards a few costs associated with my treatment over the next year.

There was a few recognitions that should have been given on this night that were regredibly missed.  It is VERY important to me that I give thanks where thanks is due and I feel that a couple people were not thanked properly or nearly as much as they should have been - Heres to you!

  • Ashley Spink - Ashley is a constant support in my every day routines, however during this night she, as she always does, showed up and ran her butt off to do what was needed to make this night a fun and successful time.

  • Pauline Graham- Pauline donated many items to the silent auction as well as pooled together members of the Drayton Valley and Buck Lake communities for their donations and support.  Erick and Pauline had many items in the silent auction from the Lakeshore Inn.  During this night Pauline was a huge support and facilitated the silent auction.  There are not enough thanks in the world for the support that Pauline has shown in this cause.

  • Kathryn Graham - I have mentioned Kathryn in my blog before, on her 18th birthday.  It was not noted this night that in the past week Kathryn has gone into the community of Drayton Valley and Buck Lake and collected $760.00 from her friends and family to help donate to this cause.  The support that she has shown is very much appreciated and it is important for everyone to know that this is an incredible amount of money for a young woman to raise in the period of a few short days!

  • And lastly - Thank you to EVERYONE who donated an item to the silent auction to show your support.  Everything in the auction that was donated was BEAUTIFUL and I wanted to take it all home, however, felt that may defeat the cause!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great pic lol. Is that the best you could find?? Use one from your wedding or even better one from when I was way younger!! lol
