Shortly after birth I was adopted by my maternal grandparents, Clint and Audrey Plotts, my mom later remarried and I was raised with the best mom and papa I could have ever asked for. I was given great opportunites in life and went on to become a young adult and use them to the best of my ability, moving away from my small town of Buck Lake and enrolling at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton to shortly afterward graduate from the Office Administration Program with a Medical Major.
My biggest achievement in life was going from an always overweight child, teenager and adult to finally getting myself healthy. Getting a hold of my diet, being strict with what I took in and having more self control than anyone could possess....I lost 140 pounds in a year and a half and became the best me I knew how to be. Empowering myself on a daily basis and striving to be everything and more that I knew I could be. Although this was a great accomplishment the hardest part was learning that when one medical issue subsides...another is created...
My Name is Beige Julienna Plotts and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at the age of 26. This is my journey on going from Beige to Pink!
My name is Michelle Murphy. I have two great boys and a wonderful husband. I was told I had breast cancer the week after we buried my cousin. She died of breast cancer. Iwas 38 when i was .I am going to be 40 this 3-28-2012. I hope you come thro good