Today I attended the PLC where I underwent Scintography, for all of you women out there, this is not a pleasant procedure and to put it lightly, they shoot two needles of die into your areola and it bubbles up in the skin underneath, you then get the pleasure of massaging your boob for ten minutes while they explain what will happen next (definitely the highlight of my day is a self boob massage - wheres my new husband when I need him :P
Upon my return to the PLC two hours later I looked down at the lady next to me and noticed the black canvas zip pouch that I also have, I looked up at her and said "lots of reading hey". Almost in shock that I knew what it was she started to talk, she to was going in for surgery tomorrow and would be undergoing a lumpectomy, we never got to talk any more but it never fails, everyone I talk to the question is always in the back of my mind - why am I undergoing more than them?
It was my turn, it was explained that I would get a five minute picture taken of myself, I am assuming this is the most unflattering picture that has ever been taken of me, and everyone around me knows I love the camera and those self shots for a new facebook profile picture everyday.
A big thank you goes out to the nurses at the PLC in the nuclear medicine department, I was teary eyed walking in, teary eyed changing, teary eyed talking and not once did their compassion for me fail. They were so understanding, caring and genuinely "real" that it made me feel comfortable and even gave me a hug at the end of it all.
Today, I realized what tomorrow will bring....
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